This picture is of her recognition that Bug has not returned with M and is at a playdate. A bit bewildered. A little let down. Bug is the center of her world, and I don't blame her. He's a great guy.
Here, she has decided that M returning is good news, even if it's not with Bug. She's giving him a thumb's up anyway. She's yelling at M, "It's okay! It's okay!" As in, it's okay you didn't bring Bug home with you.
Christmas can best be summed up in the folllowing: G's favorite gift was not the handmade garden playmat complete with a house and little girl. It was not the cool clothes from any of the relatives. It was not the wooden bulldozer from Bug. Her favorite gift was from Nana and Bopa in Arizona, consisting of two plastic lizards that she's named Shiner and Junior.

Christmas can best be summed up in the folllowing: G's favorite gift was not the handmade garden playmat complete with a house and little girl. It was not the cool clothes from any of the relatives. It was not the wooden bulldozer from Bug. Her favorite gift was from Nana and Bopa in Arizona, consisting of two plastic lizards that she's named Shiner and Junior.