A while back I wrote an "ode" to both G and my husband. These odes were the result of my being quite grumpy with news articles that just promoted yucky views on family. I've been wanting to write an ode to my son, to keep it balanced, but each time I start, I get sidetracked into telling stories. For example;

"I love my son because he lives in a fantastical world where anything is possible for anyone...like the time he found out I was pregnant with Babe Newt. He has a brain fascinated with natural history and understands life cycles like few kids do. So while I was surprised when he first said that he knew I was going to have another baby but even more surprised when he then he said that he didn't think it would be a baby dragon but he just wasn't sure."
Ahem. Let me begin the ode again without being sidetracked into a story.

"I love my son because he is interested in people and their stories. He wants to know about you; what you need, what you like, where you come from and where you'd like to go. He wants to help you on your way. We went to the beach to build a fire and watch the sunset on the Isle of Barra. He and G both needed to use the toilet whilst on the beach. He quietly went about digging two deep holes. One for each bodily function. He also spelled the world -toilet- in the sand. He and G used these as the sunset and the waves crashed. Not as sweet as we thought the evening might be, but Big M and I sighed and thought, well, what is the harm? What is the point in stifling such creativity? The next day, at another remote beach, he did the same thing. But, another family came upon the beach. G was running half naked down the chilly shore shouting I-used-the-potty-on-the-beach! as her brother asked the couple if they too needed the toilet. This couple's children were too cold and wouldn't venture off the dunes to the beach. They stared at our family's mayhem and we could see their juvenile wheels turning to use our children's behavior as proof why they should remain in bed despite the beach seals groaning on the rocks beyond. To them, this sad scene is clearly what happens when you commune with nature. Random Americans ask you if you want to relieve yourself on the beach. It was clear, this couple's children were civilized. We were left a bit confused. Do we explain that our son is a caretaker? Only interested in the well-being of others? Do we explain that we really aren't red-necks? Or maybe own up to our apparent red-neck tendencies and offer them some of our lunch too to show that being a red-neck also has a hospitable side? Or would all this talk just make it worse? We really couldn't make a decision in a timely manner as we were laughing too hard. The family left quickly."
I think I will try to write my ode when I'm grumpy with a family image in the newspapers. I seem more succinct when grumpy.