Recently, Steve Knapp came thru Glasgow on a work related trip. It was the second week of cold, snow, and ice storms. Also, it was my second week of being housebound whilst pregnant due to the weather and the first day that Big M was back from a two week work trip to Asia. Big M deemed a break for me as urgent, scooped up the kids, and took Steve Knapp and his visiting customer on a two hour hike thru Mugdock woods. I never would've chanced the littles with grown-ups much less a customer, but I learned again that I perhaps underestimate my kids a bit - or maybe we are just in each other's pockets too much with the weather recently. Regardless, reports from the snow indicated that the kids were not whining, having fun, and showing Steve Knapp and his customer a side to Glasgow that they would not have seen in a standard meet-n-greet. To be honest, I was relieved more than proud, but again that might indicate I am more the culprit in what I deem as questionable behavior in my kids.
I assumed responsibility for the littles in the early afternoon so that Steve Knapp and crew could go on a scotch distillery tour. Rather than greeting me with, "I missed you!" or "We had such a good time..." or "I jumped into a snowbank off of Mugdock Castle's kitchen wall..." Little M greeted me with the following statement:
"Steve Knapp said, Pull my finger and then I did and then he farted - in my face..."
This was said as if Steve Knapp is now the ruler of the free world and also untouchabley cool. Though Steve Knapp did run for governor of California, I can assure you Steve Knapp is not a ruler of the free world neither should he be - if only due to his less than circumspect gastrointestinal control. Also, I must admit my bias. Fart jokes have never been my thing. They just aren't funny to me and fighting the "no fart joke" fight has proven to be cause for migraines, ulcers, and heartache in a house with an almost 6 year old boy thumping the oaks. "Uphill battle" does not describe my efforts accurately. "Lost battle" does.
Then, without skipping a beat, Little M added, " and he must not have a good Mama to teach him that farting is also quite rude."
While I am sure that Steve Knapp's mother has done a good job despite losing the same "no fart joke" battle I have clearly also lost, I am even more sure of why we adore Steve Knapp. Because, when told of Little M's take on the whole situation, Steve Knapp was impressed. He thought it a unique skill to enjoy a fart joke and suck up to one's mother in the same breath. This experience is one I have had with Steve Knapp over and over again. He is able to find and enjoy the skills that everyone brings to the table - even amidst glaring faults and whilst the room stinks to high heaven. We miss and adore you Steve Knapp. Fart on...