Thursday, April 23, 2009

what to do, what to do....

Since my last post, we've had Grampa George and Grandma Linda visit, packed up one house, cleaned it, checked out, unpacked and cleaned another house and started school. I still can't quite get the pics to link up to blogspot esp. due to a slower internet connection. When this sort of business happens, I don't quite know what to blog. So much has happened and if I could get a picture up, what picture to go with what story?

So, consider this image.

G is in the next room with M's socks on, Bug's shirt on, and my hairclip. She is wandering our new front room saying "Nono, Mama. Nono, Mama. Nono, Mama" over and over with as many different pitches and inflections she can muster. Meanwhile, Bug is running outside with a small, round wicker basket over his head, a bamboo pole from the garden in one fist, and a stuffed seal in the other shouting, "There's nothing in my way! There's nothing in my way!" Over and over and over again. If I could just find the camera.

I am unpacking boxes over and over and over again....Perhaps the title should be "repetitions".....